This month's AE presenter: David
Date of presentation: 25-Nov-2013
Subject: Electric and Hybrid Aircraft
Description: Environmental concerns and associated legislation are forcing people to rethink aircraft propulsion systems. Last month, Jeff discussed alternatives to avgas. This month, David discussed alternatives to conventional internal combustion (reciprocating and gas turbine) engines. We are starting to see electric motors used for lightweight general aviation aircraft. Aircraft offered by Pipstrel and Greenwing for recreational flying are starting to approach the performance of some LSA. Gas-Eletric hybrid aircraft offer better performance since the internal combustion engine provide good power vs. weight for takeoff and climb. Hybrids can be designed with motors in series or in parallel. Current limitations in battery technology and the weight associated with wiring prevents building heavier hybrid commercial airliners. Using electric and hybrid propulsion for larger transport aircraft is at least 20 years away.
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