This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Date of presentation: 16-Nov-2020
Subject: STEM Kits - Which are best for a Senior Squadron?
Description: Jeff kept it short tonight with a brief discussion of the available STEM Kits that might be fun for senior members to work on and are not strictly for cadets. The ones Jeff considered the most appropriate were named: "Cross Country Navigation", "Flight Simulator", "Raspberry Pi", "Astronomy", "Rocketry", and "Weather Station". To this list, Richard opined that the "RC Aircraft" and the "NewBeeDrone" kits might also be appropriate.
This site is intended as a log of Aerospace Education activity in the Civil Air Patrol,
California Wing, San Jose Senior Squadron 80. As such, it will probably be of limited
interest to anyone outside of that organization (and even to many within it), but feel
free to poke around anyway.
We apologize in advance for the utter lack of salacious content. But since there is no shortage
of other sites that will be happy to cater to that need, we won't be losing any sleep over it.