17 December 2012

2012 Semi-annual Report Submitted

Squadron 80's semi-annual report for the second half of 2012 was submitted to Mark, Coby, and David at 2145L on 17 Dec 2012.

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05 December 2012

Presentation: December 2012

This month's AE presenter: David
Subject: UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)
Description: This presentation covered UAVs and the various uses to which they are put by both civilian and military personnel.  There was also some discussion about the usefulness of UAVs in search-and-rescue operations.

Presentation: November 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: (no actual title)
Description: This presentation consisted of several Jeopardy-like quizzes on various AE-related subjects.  Among them were an aircraft identification quiz, a quiz about basic knowledge of the Solar System, and a quiz on space-related terminology.

Presentation: October 2012

This post is a placeholder, to be filled in later with information about any AE-related presentation that may have been made to the squadron in October of 2012.

Presentation: September 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: The Jetman - Yves Rossy
Description: Amazing video of man who flies with a jetpack on his back.  Must be seen to be believed.  (Video source: TED)

(Note: I am not 100% sure I gave this presentation in September.  I found an old transcript that I used for this presentation, and the text has a date on it reading 9-1-2012.  This would be logical if I gave the presentation around that date, and a date of 3-Sept or 10-Sept would be about right.)

Presentation: August 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: Operation Red Flag
Description: Operation Red Flag was a massive war simulation performed by the US and various foreign military entities.  This presentation consisted of a 40+ minute IMAX video followed by discussion.

Presentation: July 2012

This post is a placeholder, to be filled in later with information about any AE-related presentation that may have been made to the squadron in July of 2012.

Presentation: June 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: 1950s Endurance Flight of Cessna 172
Description: In the 1950s, a resort sponsored an endurance flight for a pair of aviators, who proceeded to fly for 64 days, 22 hours, and change!  This endurance flight included ground-to-air refueling, both of the plane and of the pilots.

Presentation: May 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: Research Aircraft
Description: This presentation discussed various aircraft that have been used for various forms of research.  Information about their research functions as well as an identification quiz were the core of the presentation.

Presentation: April 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: Exoplanets
Description: Exoplanets are planets orbiting stars other than our own Sun.  The presentation discussed such planets, as well as means for detecting them from Earth.

Presentation: March 2012

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Subject: The GRAIL Mission
Description: The GRAIL Mission is about mapping Earth's gravitational field through the use of two synchronized satellites.

Presentation: February 2012

This post is a placeholder, to be filled in later with information about any AE-related presentation that may have been made to the squadron in February of 2012.

Presentation: January 2012

This post is a placeholder, to be filled in later with information about any AE-related presentation that may have been made to the squadron in January of 2012.


This site is intended primarily to be a convenient place to take note of events and happenings related to the Aerospace Education mission within the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), California Wing, San Jose Senior Squadron 80.

If you are not a member of this squadron, please feel free to visit our main website, currently at http://sq80.cawgcap.org/ for more information about us as a squadron and about the CAP in general.

(Note: Post updated 13-July-2015 with new website address.)