15 January 2013

Presentation: January 2013

This month's AE presenter: Jeff
Date of presentation: 4-Feb-2013
Subject: The World's Greatest Boeing 787 Dreamliner Quiz (maybe?)
Description: Since the Boeing 787 has been in the news quite a bit recently, I thought it might be interesting to see how much people already know about it.  This presentation is a 14-question quiz (Powerpoint/PDF), and hopefully comes across as lighthearted as well as informational.

(NOTE: As of 14-Jan, this presentation has NOT yet been given to the squadron, since we ran out of time that night.  Since there will be no meeting next Monday night, I plan to give this presentation on the 28th instead.  I will provide updates in the Comment area once I have given the presentation.)

Download PDF file


  1. 28-Jan-2013: I've had a nasty (and I DO mean "nasty") cold for the past week. I'm not 100% recovered and probably still contagious, so I opted not to expose the rest of the squadron by showing up for the meeting tonight. Postponed at least until next week. -- Jeff

  2. Presentation finally given 4-Feb-2013. It seemed to have gone over well enough... but this also means that we're on the hook for a second presentation in February, since this was technically the January presentation!
